Our production
portfolio has big
names at home
and abroad

The SPUR group

The SPUR group of companies was created mainly through acquisitions in recent years. SPUR a.s., based in Zlín Louky, joined several companies doing business in the segment of plastic production and processing, recycling, production of flexible food packaging, two farms focused on hydroponic tomato cultivation, and last but not least, a company employing workers with health restrictions.

Portfolio diversification

By actively diversifying our product portfolio, today the company is stepped into the world of economy, sales and social responsibility with three strategic pillars: PLASTICS, ENERGY, AGRO + SOCIAL AREA.

The group in numbers:

Production: total area of production premises 14 566 m²

Storage: total storage space area 74 128 m²

Sales: 2, 5 mld Kč (2023)

People: number of employees of the group 850





Polymer production and processing, including recycling

SPUR Zlín Louky

Production premises: 12 992 m2

Storage facilities: 21 825 m2

Products: spur.cz/en/products/

Office rental: spur.cz/en/office-rentals/


SPUR Area Libčice

Production premises: 1 890 m2

Storage facilities: 11 399 m2

Products: packaging materials


Production premises: 1 547 m2

Storage facilities: 4 197 m2

Products: avizo-zliv.cz/en/


MEGAT – production from plastics Zlín s.r.o.

IGTT a.s.

SPUR plastic recycling s.r.o.

Production premises: 5 500 m2

Storage facilities: 5 500 m2

We bring plastics back to life

Project partner EKOTREND Ludky s.r.o.

Printina Flexibles s.r.o.

Production of flexible food packaging

Project partner tkf group a.s. (Pebal)


Hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes and other fruit vegetables

In our hi-tech greenhouses in Moravia and western Slovakia, we have been growing vegetables year-round on an area of 18 ha since 2021, when we added another 3.5 ha in 2023 with an investment of 200 million crowns, thus becoming the largest greenhouse in the Czech Republic. (The area of 150,000 m² is equal to the area of 25 UEFA football pitches).

Our expert agronomists sustainably grow mostly tomatoes that ripen in a 100% pesticide-free regime.

In the years 2023-2024, we invested a total of 370 million crowns in this sector.

Bezdínek Farm

Bezdínek Farm: farmabezdinek.cz/en/

Facebook Bezdínek Farm: facebook.com/bezdinek/

Excursion: farmabezdinek.cz/en/exkurze/

Lutyň Greenhouse

In 2023, we produced 4,700,000 kg of fresh, healthy tomatoes without pesticides at Bezdínek, which corresponds to 3.55% of the total annual consumption in the Czech Republic. The farm is currently a direct supplier to three major chains, Albert, Billa and Kaufland. In 2024, tomato production at the Lutyň Greenhouse is fully underway.

Kameničany Farm

Kameničany Farm: farmakamenicany.sk/en/

Facebook Kameničany Farm: facebook.com/farmakamenicany

Shop: farmakamenicany.sk/en/partner-stores/



The field of alternative energies

In the ENERGO area, in 2023 we completed the installation of another photovoltaic power plant at our site in Zlín in Louky and at the Svit warehouse site. In total, our photovoltaic power plants already have an output of 1600 kWp. This year, a significant reconstruction and modernization of the heating system awaits us in the Zlín Louky area. We will start rebuilding the infrastructure from steam to hot water, and the heat source will be our own waste heat from the extrusion lines, which we will use for hot water heating and heating in the premises using several heat pumps.

At the Bezdínek Farm in Dolní Lutyn, we commissioned a gas boiler house and a hot water storage tank in 2023, and we are completing two cogeneration units for the production of heat, electricity and CO2, which is necessary for the nutrition of plants in greenhouses.

Our own biogas station in Slovakia in the Kameničany Farm area produced electricity from biomass in an amount that corresponds to the annual consumption of 3,000 households. For the production of biogas, we primarily use waste from our greenhouse and from local producers (for example, cuttings from a nearby sugar factory, stale bread from the chain’s central warehouses or whey from a nearby dairy).

We are strategically taking these and other steps to significantly reduce our carbon footprint by 2030.


Sheltered Workshops

In the South Bohemian company Avizo, we employ more than 60 employees with different levels of health handicaps.

About the company: avizo-zliv.cz/en/

We help: spur.cz/en/we-help/



As a SPUR group of companies, we continue to focus on fulfilling our vision of sustainable growth by significantly reducing our carbon footprint by 2030. Every year we want to initiate the production of a new product that comes from the kitchen of our own research and development in order to permanently bring an offer with high added value to the market.



The company was founded by a family whose members are still the majority owners and active managers of the company.

175 of the largest family businesses in the Czech Republic — Forbes

Together, we are building a DISTINGUISHABLE COMPANY for the long term. A company that is proud of its people, its quality and the services it provides to them and to its customers and partners. A company that can be an inspiration to others.

Our corporate duty and mission is first and foremost to generate profit, stay innovative, invest in our 3 +1 strategic business areas, and thereby continuously strengthen the growth mindset of our great people.

Only with great people can we achieve great results.


We are returning the achievements of our fathers to our country and our home region of Zlín. We treat the environment, society and the administrative apparatus of the state with utmost respect.

Tomáš Dudák from the plastic company SPUR became the EY Entrepreneur of the Year in the Zlín Region



Throughout our business, we try to apply the requirements brought by the world and society around us. In recent years, it has mainly been the Green Deal, whose goals directly affect us in the area of the environment and social and economic responsibility. These demands make us a modern-minded and acting company.

We help – SPUR

SPUR received the Green Label award 


LCA analyzes indicate that 0.3 kg of CO² is released for the preparation of 1 kg of recycled polypropylene, while 2 – 2.5 kg of CO² is released for its production from oil. We have timid plans in this area. We are gradually replacing fossil resources to produce our primary raw materials. Our product will be 50% lighter, releasing 50% less CO2 into the atmosphere.

We want to become a major processor of plastic waste from households throughout Moravia, from waste recycling to the production of the final product in the 4 most basic types of plastic – PP, HDPE, LDPE, PET, as these four types of plastic make up 70% of the total plastic waste ending up in sorted waste.

Today, we process around 15,000 tons of plastic per year into products whose utility value is of high social or environmental importance – insulation, respirators or panels for houses for refugees, these are product groups where, through long-term in-house development, we have achieved procedures using a minimum amount of primary raw material thanks to lightening ecological gas or in combination with recyclate. Our processes often lead to the complete replacement of the primary raw material.


Every year, we want to initiate the production of a new product that comes from the kitchen of our own research and development in order to permanently bring an offer with high added value to the market.

We constantly invest in our own product development, the construction (ecodesign) of which enables the product to be recycled again after the end of its life cycle.

In 2024, we are fully focused on the completion of an investment project in the area of full recycling, which will result in our own product with the maximum proportion of recycled material in the input material, and again fully recyclable after fulfilling its useful value.